#2B-2220 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, V9S 1H9, B.C. Canada +1-250-760-4185
Complementary and Alternative Therapies in Nanaimo
wolfberry-gouqi zi tree

How to eat wolfberry-gouqi zi

Wolfberry-gouqi zi knows as longevity herb. It can nourish kidney and the essence. As gouqi zi nourishes blood and soothes...

Moxa for diabetes

How to prevent diabetes early signs

Contents1 Signs of diabetes2 Prevent / Treat diabetes2.1 Therapeutic Anti-diabetic Tea – Dandelion Jade Ginseng Tea2.2 Avoid restricting drinking water2.3...

beef recipe

3 best beef recipes in winter

3 best beef recipes in winter season benefit people who are weak immune, cold limbs, aversion of cold. Contents1 3...


中国传统疗法的法宝就是通过调整恢复人体的自愈能力,治疗的原则是平衡人体的能量场。是通过调理人体的阴阳气血,疏通经脉,治理气机,从而修复和恢复人体的自愈能力,就达到了病愈的目的。 1. 人体自愈能力下降或停滞的原因 当人体的气血不足或气滞血瘀或气机阻滞或经脉阻滞或痰湿淤堵等情况下,人体的自愈能力就会下降甚至停滞。 落实到具体的人体器官就是心和肾失去了最基础的联系,配合,交通。 2. 修复,恢复,提高自身的自愈能力 通过疏通经脉,治理气机,恢复心和肾最基本的联系,配合,交通。这样就能修复和恢复一部分人体的自愈能力,不至于丧失自愈能力。 虽然经脉和气机依然阻滞,无法畅通,但是心肾可以实现基础的交通,气血可以源源不断产生,只是缓慢一些,这就是一种亚健康状态。 3. 治疗方案 1)经气不通,自愈能力处于停滞状态。解决这个状态的方法就是:疏通 听着简单,但是疏通的步骤是不能眉毛胡子一把抓的,要按照六经传变规律依次进行疏通和调畅。其中比较重要的是太阳膀胱经,阳明胃经,太阴脾肺经,厥阴肝经。这些主要干道是直接影响心肾交通的经脉。 经气从不通到通一般需要15-45天。百分之八十的人需要15天就能打通。又百分之四十的人会在出现一定的不舒服的症状,如同打通隧道,有阻力,也叫瓶颈期。 如果能坚持信任医者,坚定信心,坚持治疗和服药来突破这个瓶颈期。后期一旦打通,舒服的感觉就会慢慢出来。 也有一部分人由于不舒服的症状出现或治疗后没有明显症状上的改善而放弃治疗。这种情况的治疗是真的没有效果吗?当然不是。 人体的个体差异会使疗效有快有慢,只要遵医嘱,停药后效果就会慢慢出来,身体的自愈能力会逐渐提高,从而身体的症状和疾病改善甚至消失。 因为心肾实现了基础的交通,气血可以渊源不断产生,只是缓慢一些。短时间感觉不出来改善的变化,然而身体的自愈能力已经开始恢复。 疏通常用的治疗手法是通过推拿,刮痧,艾灸,针灸,拔罐等方法,医者根据病人的体质,病情,指定并使用相应的的治疗手段。 2)经气疏通后,还要补益...

3 Simple Recipes for Summer Appetite Loss

3 Simple Recipes for Summer Appetite Loss

Summer appetite loss in all ages during hot summer. July 7 in 2023 is the slight heat day of the...

Spring flu-Jing zhe

Spring flu-3 simple and easy methods to stay away

3 simple and easy methods to away from Spring flu and Spring dryness are common daily implementing actions by traditional...

A common black fungus prevents and expels any stones.

A common black fungus prevents and expels any stones.

Black fungus is a kind of nutritious edible fungus. It is a popular dish in the daily food. In the...

Moringa Seed

How moringa seed does a miracle herbal cure function

Moringa seed is originated in India and is known as from the “miracle tree”. The Moringa tree has provided Indian...

Herbal Tea

Herbal tea, also called tisane, is any beverage made from the infusion or decoction of herbs, spices, or other plant material...

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