#2B-2220 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, V9S 1H9, B.C. Canada +1-250-760-4185
Complementary and Alternative Therapies in Nanaimo

Moringa Seed


Moringa seed has lots benefits such as strengthen the liver, improve sleep, enhance immunity and memory, accelerate metabolism, detoxification, weight loss and other effects.

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Moringa seeds originated in India and is known as from the miracle tree Name Moringa oleifera. For a normal and healthy body, moringa seed tastes natural sweetness. And there are another 5 tastes by different pyhsique. Read more…




Seed from Moringa oleifera.





It is best to eat 1-3 times a day in the beginning, 2-4 moringa seeds at a time. Then to drink 300 cc of water after eating them by crushing or chewing.

After a week then add or subtract according to the individual’s physique.

You can obviously feel the effect after consuming it continuously for one month.



Moringa seed can strengthen the liver, improve sleep, enhance immunity and memory, accelerate metabolism, detoxification, weight loss, fresh bad breath, etc.




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