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Apocynum leaves


Apocynum leaves is popular in China as one of traditional tea. It’s usually used for brewing a tea to help depression, high blood pressure, anxiety, high cholesterol.

5 in stock


Natural herbs, easy to make a tea. Suitable for those who are in high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, high cholesterol. Package size is one pound in a bag.


It’s usually used for brewing a tea to help depression, high blood pressure, anxiety, high cholesterol.


Apocynum leaves. Package size is 1 pound/bag. The maximum brewing times is 30 times/bag upon the usage of 15g/day.


  1. Put 6-15 grams ingredient into a thermos cup,
  2. Pour into 1000 ml boiling water;
  3. Seal the lid for 10-20 minutes, then the tea is ready for drinking in body temperature;
  4. Or keep all ingredients into a cooking pot to cook 5 minutes, pour out the tea to a cup for a drinking in body temperature.


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