#2B-2220 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, V9S 1H9, B.C. Canada +1-250-760-4185
Complementary and Alternative Therapies in Nanaimo

Medlar Black Tea-Five Element Fire tea

Original price was: $18.99.Current price is: $16.99.

Fire is one element of five elements, Heart and Small Intestine are the correspondence organs of fire. Medlar Black Tea-Five Element Fire tea reconcile discomforts caused by Fire not Ascend or Metal not Descend, maintain optimal health of whole family.

81 in stock


Product Name: Wu Xing Fire Tea –   Medlar Black Tea

Storage condition: Store in a cool and dry place, avoid direct sunlight, prevent odor.

Additional information

Weight 21.15 g
Dimensions 14 × 9 × 3.5 cm


  1. Black Tea: a fully fermented tea, helping gastrointestinal digestion, promote appetite, diuresis, eliminate edema, and strengthen heart function.
  2. Medlar: anti-aging,nourish liver and kidney, improve eyesight, nourish deficiency, nourish vital energy.
  3. Rose Rugosa Cv. Plena: promote blood circulation, relieve depression, calming and anti-depression.
  4. Platycodon Grandiflorum: increasing the secretion of bile acid, have antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, sedative and expectorant discharge.

    Chrysanthemum Pu'er Tea

    Medlar Black Tea



  1. Put the tea bag in a cup;
  2. Pour 350 ml of boiling water under 90 centigrade.
  3. Wait for 3-5 minutes and enjoy;
  4. Add not water when 1/3 of tea soup remains in the cup;
  5. Brew several times continuously as appropriate.


Medlar Black Tea is good for helping asthma, vertigo, tinnitus, anxiety, throat sour, short of breath, edema, cloudy mind, spontaneous sweat, sound hoarse, fidgeting, ect.


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