#2B-2220 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, V9S 1H9, B.C. Canada +1-250-760-4185
Complementary and Alternative Therapies in Nanaimo

Rose white hyacinth bean powder for hemorrhoid


Rose white hyacinth bean powder belongs to gold and corresponds to lungs. It can regulate common symptoms caused by insufficient or excessive lung such as:

Common cold, constipation, cough, nausea, headache, vomiting.

Blurred vision, red and swollen eyes, deafness, tinnitus.

Abdominal pain, toothache, stomach pain, chest pain, and diarrhea.

Hemorrhoids, appendicitis, oral ulcers, upper heat and lower cold, etc.

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Rose white hyacinth bean powder is one of Five Elements bean powder products. It follows the theories of the I Ching, Bagua, and Xiangshu ( image-number ) to reconcile many discomforts caused by the lack or excess of the Five Elements.

It stimulates the resonance of the energy of physical,mental and blood with the heaven, earth and universe. Then achieving the goal of recuperating common symptoms with natural methods.

Wu Xing Bean Powder uses high-quality raw materials (no sulfur fumigated raw materials). All oats and beans are certified organic, with zero additives and no artificial additives such as preservatives and flavorings.

The raw materials adopt traditional bran frying technology and are treated gently to enhance the curative effect. Drink it every day to protect your health.

Rose white hyacinth bean powder-brewing

Pickup available at One More Cup of Tea shop in Nanaimo, BC. View Shop Location


White Hyacinth Beans, Oat, Jujube, Yam, Rose Rugosa Cv Plena, Black Plum, Fennel.

15 g / bag


1. Add 120 ml hot water into the cup(the water temperature is about 80-85 C).
2. Pour 1 bag of bean powder while stirring.
3. Stir the mixture until completely dissolved.
4. Drink it when it is warm.

For maintenance dose: 1 bag / day


1. Not suitable for people who are allergy for bean.
2. Read ingredients before taking it to make sure not allergy any ingredient of this product.
3. Store in a cool and dry place, avoid direct sunlight.
4. Keep away out from children.


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