#2B-2220 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, V9S 1H9, B.C. Canada +1-250-760-4185
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Bloating abdomen relieving by Osmanthus Oolong Tea


Osmanthus oolong tea belongs to earth in the five elements. It regulates the spleen and stomach and can also help improve memory.

People with poor spleen and stomach function are thin or fat, prone to abdominal distension, poor appetite, back pain and other symptoms.

The tea tastes good, even little kid like it. It is suitable for all family, all ages.


Pickup available at One More Cup of Tea shop in #2B-2220 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, BC. View Shop Location

81 in stock


Bloating abdomen can be relieved by Osmanthus oolong tea. It is a daily health care tea that is not only maintain the spleen and stomach, but also a way to adjust the internal energy balance.

1. Causes of bloating abdomen

1). Abdominal bloating due to weak spleen and stomach

Some people are born with weak spleen and stomach. When eating too much or eating raw and cold food will cause abdominal distension.

Some people damage their spleen and stomach by long-term over eat or long-term cold food intake.

They will have bloating gas feeling full, tight, or swollen in the abdomen. The abdomen may also be swollen (distended), hard, and painful.

2). Bloating abdomen also cause by Stress

Abdominal bloating can be caused by stress too. There can also be similar to the symptoms of people with naturally weak spleen and stomach.

Or always feel full in the stomach, feel hungry but no appetite.

Stress can cause liver soothing function weak then cause internal qi energy stagnation and staying in the spleen and stomach area. Then abdominal distention occurs.

2. Other Symptoms of weak spleen and stomach

People with weak spleen and stomach function may experience the following uncomfortable symptoms too.

Such as short of breath, bloating easily, even agglomeration in belly area, loose stool or blood in stool, weak and sore low back or knees, joint pain, muscle pain, or neck or joint stiffness.

Some of people with weak spleen and stomach are aversion of cold or wind, they often or always feel cold on the low back.

Very annoying is that frequent urination or leaking urine, enuresis, even burning and stinging urine. Or some people may have excessive leucorrhea.

3. Solution

1). Osmanthus Oolong Tea – bloating abdomen

It is very helpful for those who have weak spleen and stomach function.

It uses the relationship between the five elements, transformation and restriction to coordinate the energy of the internal organs.

For example earth generates metal, and earth constraints water.

This tea can achieve the goal of relieving symptoms, maintaining and keep healthy.

2). Moxibustion – warm up and soothing qi energy circulation

Another way to soothing liver qi while improving spleen and stomach function is moxibustion.

bloating abdomen-moxa

No matter what way cause spleen and stomach function damage, moxibustion will fix in same time.

Moxibustion creates infrared heat which can get through the body and keep inside meridians. This infrared heat can be an energy to help for your body system.

Then your own system strong enough to fix damage.

Stop by the location at #2B- 2220 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, BC in person for your situation.

Or you can book an appointment.

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Additional information

Weight 20.55 g
Dimensions 14 × 9 × 3.5 cm


  1. Oolong: a semi-fermented green tea, also called beauty tea, fitness tea;
  2. Osmanthus:  fresh fragrance, eliminates bad breath, moisturizes the skin, and relieves gastrointestinal discomfort;
  3. Malt: promotes qi and eliminates food, help digestion and improve appetite, reduce swelling and breast milk;
  4. Fructus Alpiniae Oxyphyllae: helps to improve spleen and kidney function.Earth TeaTips for storage:
  5. Store in a cool and dry place, avoid direct sunlight, prevent odor.


  1. Put the tea bag in a cup;
  2. Pour 350 ml of boiling water under 80 centigrade.
  3. Wait for 3-5 minutes and enjoy;
  4. Add not water when 1/3 of tea soup remains in the cup;
  5. Brew several times continuously as appropriate.


Earth is one element of five elements, Spleen and Stomach are the corresponding organs of Earth. Osmanthus Olong Tea-Five Element Earth tea is good for helping joint pain, sour low back and knees, back muscles stiff and achy, abdomen pain, bleeding stool, burning pain urination, enuresis, jaundice, dry mouth, short of breath, etc. 


1. Heavy tea will cause insomnia when drinking after 2 pm.
2. Don’t drink tea with medication, because caffeine will reduce the function of medication or cause upset stomach.
3. Kids under 2 years old are not suitable to drink heavy tea or more than one cup(50ml).
4. Drink tea when it is warm, do not drink cold tea, especially keep into the refrigerator over night.


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