#2B-2220 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, V9S 1H9, B.C. Canada +1-250-760-4185
Complementary and Alternative Therapies in Nanaimo

Huang Qi – Astragalus Root, Astragalus Membranaceus


As a commonly one of traditional Chinese herbs on the dining table, huang qi is commonly used for daily maintenance, making soups and teas for beauty, immunomodulatory.

In dietary therapy, huang qi, astragalus and dang gui, angelica are usually used together to replenish qi and blood.

Price for a pound(454 grams), Contact us for a small amount or shipping.

Pickup available at One More Cup of Tea shop in nanaimo, BC. View Shop Location.

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Huang qi, it is known as astragalus, replenish vitality, dilute water and reduce swelling, heal skin wounds, and promote muscle regeneration.

Astragalus is one of traditional Chinese herbs that have the same origin as medicine and food. It is often used in traditional Chinese diet to replenish qi.

Huang qi helps immunomodulatory, arthritis, asthma, neurological disorders, shortness of breath, fever, allergies, anemia, kidney disease, hepatitis, stomach ulcers, and digestive disorders.

Additional information

Weight 454 g
1 lb


50 grams

$6.00/50 g.


9 grams – 15 grams / day


Professional healthcare advice is recommended. Make sure you are not allergy for individual herb.

Huang qi, astragalus, appears to be safe for most people; however,
1. Pregnant women, children, people with autoimmune diseases, and people with liver disease should avoid using huang qi(astragalus).

2. Breastfeeding women and patients taking certain medications (including drugs that suppress the immune system, hormone therapy, anticoagulants, blood pressure medications, lithium, and diuretics) should consult their doctor before using huang qi (astragalus).


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