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How to eat wolfberry correctly

Wolfberry knows as longevity herb. It can nourish kidney and the essence.

Wolfberry also nourish the liver and improve eyesight and nourish blood and soothe the nerves. It can promote fluid and quench thirst and moisten lung and relieve cough.

Wolfberry is effective for soreness and weakness of waist and knees, dizziness, dizziness, dizziness and tearful eyes, consumptive cough, thirst and nocturnal emission caused by liver and kidney yin deficiency as below.

1. Anti-fatty liver effect: wolfberry Soaking in water has the effect of slightly inhibiting the deposition of fat in liver cells and promoting the regeneration of liver cells.

The anti-fatty liver effect of the water extract is also shown in that it can prevent liver dysfunction caused by carbon tetrachloride (with the activities of cholinesterase and transaminase as indicators), and can increase the level of phospholipids in blood and liver.

The effect of Wolfberry on lipid metabolism or anti-fatty liver is mainly caused by the betaine contained in it, which acts as a methyl donor in the body.

Thereby wolfberry can be nourishing the liver and kidney, clearing the liver and improving eyesight, anti-aging and anti-fatigue.

Wolfberry can reverse the aging indicators in the blood of the elderly to youth, increase the number of human white blood cells and enhance the function of macrophages.

2. Improve the body’s immune function and enhance the body’s ability to adapt and adjust. Soaked Wolfberry in water has the effect of removing fire.

Not also help to consolidation and support righteousness then promote health recovery, but also improves the body’s disease resistance and resists the invasion of pathogens.

3. Cholinergic effect: Soaked wolfberry in water can cause lower blood pressure and excited breathing; atropine or cutting off the vagus nerve can inhibit this reaction.

Wolfberry is rich in rich beta elements, vitamin B1, vitamin C, calcium, iron, etc., which help to reduce harmful substances in the blood and reduce blood pressure.

4. It has anti-cancer effect: the results of contemporary experiments and clinical applications show that drinking soaked wolfberry in water for a tea can significantly improve.

Wolfberry improves the immune function and physiological function of the elderly, infirm and tumor patients.

Wolfberry has the effect of strengthening the body and delaying aging. Combined with chemotherapy for cancer patients, it has curative effects such as reducing toxic and side effects, preventing leukopenia, and regulating immune function.

Relying on its excellent health benefits, it has become the “standard” of the health care methods.

Do you know in-taking wolfberry in a correct way according to your physique

There are 4 condition, wolfberry can not be ate or too much.

1. People should not eat wolfberry when they are with cold, fever or inflammation, especially those with pancreatitis.

If they eat it, it will aggravate the degree of cold and fever or aggravate the symptoms of inflammation.

2. It’s better not to eat over daily dosage if you had high blood pressure even it can help lower high blood pressure.

3. People who eat a lot of meat daily cause their hot physique, if they ate wolfberry then it will easily create extra heat for the body such as causing discomfort, redness, swelling in the eyes, blurred vision, etc., because its warming effect is too strong, affecting the ocular nerves and never causing eye discomfort.

4. Since the warming effect of wolfberry is very strong, there is a risk of slippage and diarrhea if taking it for people with deficient cold physiques.

5. Wolfberry is sweet and moisturizing in nature but it is usually difficult to digest, so people with spleen and stomach deficiency should not eat more.

Leaderboard of eating wolfberry

1. Wolfberry puree Recommended index: ★★★★★

Wolfberry juice comes from fresh wolfberry. In the traditional way of eating wolfberry, the absorption of active ingredients is low.

This is because there is a waxy protective film on the surface of wolfberry, which causes some nutrients to not be completely precipitated.

In order to make the nutrients of the fresh wolfberry fully absorbed and utilized by the human body, the fresh wolfberry is picked and directly made into puree, so that the active and nutritional components of the fresh wolfberry can be directly retained, making it fresher and more authentic.

2. Dry chewing Recommended index: ★★★★★

The best way to eat wolfberry is to chew it directly! is suitable for most people.
This way of eating, in addition to being able to taste the original flavor and being convenient and fast to eat, more importantly, dry chewing can more fully absorb the nutrients in wolfberry, which is conducive to its medicinal effect.

Note: The amount of dry chewing should not be too much, about 10 grams per day (medium-sized wolfberry, about 35 grains), and no more than 20 grams at most a day.

3. Boiling paste Recommended index: ★★★★★

The ointment of wolfberry can fully retain its nutrients, and the ointment has a strong nourishing effect, so it is very suitable for people with liver and kidney deficiency and insufficient blood.

Recommended health recipe: mulberry and wolfberry paste.

Ingredients: 500 grams of mulberry, 100 grams of honey, 100 grams of wolfberry.
1). Clear up mulberries, put them in a pot, mash the mulberries with a shovel, and cook until it boils;
3). Pour in wolfberry, mix well, pour in honey, boil for 30 minutes on low heat, turn off the heat and let it cool after boiling, and put it into a container.

Note: When cooking, be sure to cook slowly over low heat to prevent sticking!

4. Soaking wolfberry with certain herbs for health

When soaking wolfberry, add some healthy ingredients, and the health effect can be doubled.

Wolfberry + chrysanthemum, the effect of clearing liver and improving eyesight is greatly increased;
Wolfberry + red dates, nourish qi and blood, increase complexion;
Wolfberry + loquat, invigorating lung and kidney tonic, relieving asthma and moisturizing dryness;
Wolfberry + barley, diuresis and swelling, spleen and dampness;
Wolfberry + dandelion, clearing away heat and detoxifying, repairing liver cells.

5. Cooking porridge Recommended index: ★★★★

The beneficial components of wolfberry can be dissolved into the porridge, which is convenient for the human body to absorb.

Recommended Recipe: Lotus Seed and Wolfberry Porridge Lotus seed and wolfberry porridge can invigorate the middle and invigorate qi, anti-aging and anti-aging; nourish the liver and nourish the heart, improve eyesight and soothe the nerves.

It is suitable for people with dizziness, palpitations, restless sleep at night and pale complexion caused by deficiency of liver and heart.

6. Soaking water or wine Recommended index: ★

1). Soak in water
Soaking wolfberry in water is the most common way for most people to eat. It is simple and convenient to throw a few pieces in water. However, the beneficial components of wolfberry are not easy to dissolve.
A good way to soak the wolfberry in water is recommended: first rinse the wolfberry with cold water, then soak it in boiling water for a period of time, and then eat and drink with the water and the wolfberry residue.

2). In wine
Liquor has the effect of activating blood and dredging collaterals. After the beneficial components of wolfberry are incorporated into the wine, the two can leverage each other to make the effect of strengthening muscles and bones of wolfberry fully exerted.

Li Shizhen introduced in the “Compendium of Materia Medica” that using wolfberry to make wine, long-term drinking can prevent aging and keep the face.
Method: Soak an appropriate amount of wolfberry in white wine and soak for 7 days before drinking.

Note: Because it is an alcohol preparation, it cannot be taken for a long time, and it is not advisable to drink too much at one time, so from this point of view, the applicability of wolfberry wine is a little less, and it should be used with caution for people with poor liver and kidneys.
Contraindications for eating wolfberry: not everyone can eat wolfberry, and friends with spleen and stomach deficiency, yin deficiency and slippery, diarrhea, cold phlegm and cold addiction are best not to eat it.







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